Trading gets super with SuperForex and STICPAY.
Still waiting to register on SuperForex with STICPAY? Wait no more! Open a STICPAY SuperSTP Account and enjoy the exclusive benefits.
With a STICPAY SuperSTP account, you have access to
0 spread
100% deposit bonus (minimum deposit $50)
Cashback up to $12 when joining STICPAY Cashback Service
How to get STICPAY Cashback?
Step 1. Register in SuperForex by this link
Step 2. Add a Cashback account on STICPAY Forex Cashback - Choose Existing - choose SuperForex and follow the easy steps
Step 3. Get cashback from SuperForex and STICPAY!
Don’t have a STICPAY Cashback Account yet? Register in 15 seconds! (only for verified STICPAY users).
SuperForex offers top-tier services that cover trading and investment on the financial markets for individual and corporate clients in over 150 countries worldwide. Clients can choose from various financial instruments for trading, investment, and funds management.
Don’t settle for trading when you can have SUPER trading with SuperForex and STICPAY.